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Stop using my show to talk to each other!

On the Magnum: Jen Hecht from Building Healthy Online Communities.

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A lesbian has a terrible bullshit detector. She keeps falling for lies and getting conned. How can our credulous heroine protect herself from lying liars?

A man and his ex- girlfriend are utterly estranged. She has cut off all contact from him. But he noticed that she’s still using his Netflix password. What’s more, he can see what she’s watching and when. He doesn’t mind letting her mooch off his subscription, but it feels like an invasion of her privacy to see what she’s viewing. His question is whether he should also stop paying for her Magnum subscription to the Lovecast for the same reason. And since she’s a power Lovecast fan, she will definitely hear this…

On the Magnum, Jen Hecht of Building Healthy Online Communities works with dating apps to inspire a more polite, and healthy dating scene. Her org worked with app companies to craft messages urging gay men to get the monkeypox vaccine. She and Dan talk about her work and strategies to be successful on the apps.

And, it’s the OTHER WOMAN! A few weeks ago, Dan chatted with Amy and April from “Shameless Sex” to counsel a man whose primary partner asked him to shut down his new relationship after they opened up. Now they are forbidden from communicating, but the other woman isn’t forbidden from calling a sex & relationship advice podcast that she knows he listens to…


Jen Hecht



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