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With Lindsey Doe from “Sexplanations.”

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Are you, (or is someone you love) stuck in a region which refuses to teach realistic sex ed? Never fear, Lindsey Doe from the YouTube channel “Sexplanations” is here to infiltrate and educate. She’s our new fave, and you will love her. She and Dan talk about explaining porn to kids, nudist households, and actionable advice to counter meds that dampen libido. Listen to this interview and then go watch all of her videos. Like, right now. What happens when a sugar daddy relationship ends? Can you go on being friends? Or are some connections meant to be severed? On the Magnum, a woman, (like Dan) kind of hates cats. And guess what her boyfriend has! He lets it sleep with him, doesn’t wash his hands after petting it, and won’t alter this behavior. Dan’s disgust is palpable. (The tech-savvy at-risk youth didn’t have the heart to explain that we all sleep and cuddle with our cats on the regular. Don’t tell him!) 206-302-2064


Lindsey Doe


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