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Wanna-Be Cult Leaders.

On the Magnum: Leo Herrera on Analog Cruising
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Her husband of ten years is interested in learning about non-monogamy. He started attending workshops about “divine femininity” and “dark masculinity.” The workshop leader seems sketchy and cultish to the caller. How can she vet this potential grifter and help her husband develop a little reasonable skepticism? A woman and her husband have been in … Read More »

Men and Feet.

On the Magnum: "Going Solo" with Peter McGraw
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Why is it always men that are into foot fetishes? And speaking of feet, a woman has a pair of fetish shoes that no longer fit. She wants to make sure they go to a loving home, but how? Our guest this week is Peter McGraw, author of “Solo: Building a Remarkable Life of your … Read More »

A very poly Valentine’s Day with Diana Adams

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A woman has been with her boyfriend for 4 years. He is so wonderful! But…he doesn’t bother to give her orgasms. He has all the orgasms! As many as he wants. Orgasm, orgasm, orgasm. He won’t do anything to get her there. Has she talked to him about this? Yes! She has! He doesn’t care. … Read More »

What is a “Sex Therapist” anyway?

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A woman and her boyfriend use condoms. But she really, really wants his come inside her. Can she save some up, wait until there’s no threat of pregnancy, and then use it as lube? How long must she wait?  A woman has always had a hard time reaching orgasm, even before she got on mental … Read More »

Pills by the bed, with Ellen Forney.

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A man is about to have his wedding. He and his fiancé are swingers, and he wants the whole wide world to know it. His fiancé is more reticent to let family members know. Should he tell his children that they will be staying at a swinger’s resort after the ceremony and that they plan … Read More »

With comedian Gianmarco Soresi

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A woman discovered that her boyfriend cheated on her. How did she know? He washed his own sheets for the first time EVER. When confronted, (after lying at first,) he said that men need variety and monogamy is unnatural. Is this correct?  A man and his husband now live apart because one of them didn’t … Read More »

With Shan Boodram!

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Hey everyone! Meet your new co-worker, and her …master. At the work party, the new gal showed up with her 24/7 master who fed her in front of everyone, the whole time. Now, the caller doesn’t want to be sex-negative or anything, but is this appropriate workplace etiquette?  Next up! Do you like to crank … Read More »

Psychedelics for the Win!

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Boundaries are hard! For instance, a married couple of 12 years decided to open the relationship. So naturally, she started sleeping with her husbands brother in their own house. Of course. And! If you knocked on the door, and your kid confessed that they were masturbating, would you A) Mutter, “Sorry!” and walk away. B) … Read More »

Escape from Conversion Therapy Camp!

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Our opening covid-era Sexcess story features seniors in a retirement community huffing on ice bongs and getting it on. If they can do it, you can too. A Wiccan druid witchy woman is dating a Christian dude. They let each other be. But when he requests that they do some role playing where she dresses … Read More »

Ask a Mortician!

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A woman was babysitting her neighbor’s 3 year-old daughter. The girl took her clothes off and started touching herself. Should the caller say something to the parents? Is this behavior a red flag for abuse? Or is this just how the 3 year-olds roll? A man with a very girthy penis can’t come without extended … Read More »