A woman needs a giant wiener to feel satisfied. That’s just how it is. But how can she vet prospective partners ahead of time? How can she tell her current man that his average-sized dick just isn’t big enough? Ah the hypocrisy…a man is turned on by videos aimed at voyeurs, where people don’t know they’re being filmed. Then! He was filmed at a bathhouse, and now that the pics are out…he’s furious. He knows he’s being hypocritical, but what can he do? On the Magnum, Dan chats with Dr. Rachel Gelman about the importance of the pelvic floor in sexual health. And a woman wonders if she should be offended by “unsolicited baby pics” from her ex-boyfriend.
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This episode of the Savage Lovecast is sponsored by OMGyes.com: a website dedicated to getting scientific truths out about women’s sexual pleasure. Savage Lovecast listeners can get a discount if they go to OMGYES.com/Savage.
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