A man and his sister are very close, living in the same town. He developed a crush on one of her friends, but she forbade him from asking her out. The sister used to date his friends now and again, which he encouraged. Should he risk angering his sister and ask the girl out already?
A woman wants to try anal sex. Does she have to change her diet in order to prepare for the big night?
On the Magnum, feel like throwing a party? How about a SEX PARTY? Dan brings on Ali Bushell, therapist and author of “The Sex Party Handbook” to help make your pervy party a success. What should the ground rules be? How to deal with over or under-confidence amongst your guests? How and when should you kick someone out? Bushell sounds like a very charming host indeed. Check him out at Alibushell.com and listen to his podcast, The Healer’s Guild. His book can be found on Amazon.
A lesbian preschool teacher has to work with an outspoken, anti-gay, conservative Baptist. Although they generally get along, when she starts spouting bigoted nonsense, the caller feels uncomfortable. She hates confrontation. Should she speak up, rat her out, or put up with it?
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