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Oh Holy Day. Happy Feast of the Ass!

On the Magnum: Rebecca Woolf on "Babygirl"

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A very happy Feast of the Ass to you all! We asked you to send us your carols and boy, did you ever deliver. Hear a smattering of our picks, and we unearthed an olde choral piece that you and your family will surely treasure.

Go to our Feast of the Ass page to learn, sign, shop and celebrate — and be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page to listen to the Top Ten Feast of the Ass Carols submitted by Lovecast listeners!

UPDATE: The team that created the winning FOTA carol sent along this animated version — enjoy!

A man has been dating a woman for two months. It’s going well, but her body type is too thin to turn him on. He tries to feed her extra food, but should he flat out ask her to gain a little weight?

On the Magnum, everyone is talking about Babygirl- the new erotic thriller starring Nicolle Kidman. Dan brings on author and podcaster Rebecca Woolf, who has written about women who have been societally shamed or stigmatized for their sexuality, infidelity, and/or refusal to subscribe to social norms. They dish over the movie and argue about the ending. Spoiler city.

And, a woman’s boyfriend makes orgasm noises that repulse the caller. Is there anything to be done?


Rebecca Woolf



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