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Families! With Ken Jennings and Brother Billy.

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As you gather around the Thanksgiving table to bask in the warmth and glow of your loved ones, here are some reasons you might feel thankful: Your sister’s boyfriend isn’t beating her up, your wife isn’t a transphobic Russian, your boyfriend’s father doesn’t beat him up, your mother isn’t a toxic evil mess and your step-father (who is also your boss,) doesn’t kick your dog. If any of these things are true for you, well then this show will offer company for your misery. It’s the Families Show! Also, the preternaturally delightful Ken Jennings, 74-time winner of Jeopardy!, for heaven’s sake, explains how he can reconcile his big, big brain with his Mormon faith. And, on the Magnum, Dan breaks some disturbing news to his big brother Billy. Listen in, won’t you? 206-302-2064


Ken Jennings


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