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With Maddie Corman

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A woman is dating a man who used to be a sex addict. He slept with hundreds of women. Now their relationship is solid and monogamous, but his many former lovers keep texting him and trying to keep in touch. The caller feels threatened and creeped out. A man has started going to hot yoga to get in shape. The room is filled with gorgeous women stretching and sweating and wearing next to nothing. Is the sexual vibe just in the caller’s head? How can he approach some of them without looking like some kind of tantric perv? On the Magnum, a woman’s new boyfriend confided in her that he had spent 2 years in prison for downloading child pornography. But she really likes him and wants to believe that he is a good person. Dan speaks with actor Maddie Corman about her similar experience with her husband, about porn addiction, her one-woman show, and how we sometimes can make the choice to forgive. And, a closeted bisexual man is sick of his queer friends trash-talking bisexuals. How can he muster the courage to come out to them?


Maddie Corman



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