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“Who’s That?”

On the Magnum: Sadie Dingfelder on Face Blindness
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A man’s new boyfriend had an adult circumcision, and now can’t come very easily. He wants to help his boyfriend come, but doesn’t want to pressure him. How can he thread the needle and start gobbling? A straight man is in a brat/dom dynamic, where his girlfriend “misbehaves” and then gets “punished” by the caller. … Read More »

Done: Pegging IS in the Oxford English Dictionary.

On the Magnum: comedian Andy Richter
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It’s the “Overthinking It” episode! “I’ll give you $100 if you spit in my beer.” This offer was made by a random gentleman in a sushi bar to an unsuspecting lady. She declined. Would you do it? Is anything wrong here? Overthinking it? Meanwhile, a man wonders if the dubious ethics he saw in a … Read More »

The Plight of the Long-Haired Homo

On the Magnum: Comedian Jared Goldstein
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Dan takes on a couple of heavy calls this week- A woman learned that her ex-boyfriend of 8 years was convicted on child pornography charges. He will almost certainly go to prison. He was once her fiancé. Rough stuff. Then, Dan helps a woman make the heart-breaking choice between a single or a double mastectomy. … Read More »

When your partner wants to see…or be… a sex worker.

On the Magnum: Jenée Desmond-Harris- Slate's "Dear Prudence."
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A woman’s party fell apart when her good-looking friend flirted with all the men and then led them away to a club. Was this a competitive power move? What kind of friend is this? Expiration dates! You wouldn’t drink old milk. Is it equally dangerous to use lube past its time? On the Magnum, Dan … Read More »

Can You Be Poly Without “Catching Feelings?”

On the Magnum: Humor writer Alexandra Petri
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A woman moved into a new house and promptly slept with her roommate. It was great sex and the caller wants a repeat. He claims he wants more as well, but then never actually takes her up on it. One night she asked if he wanted to…you know…do it, and he chose to play video … Read More »

Help! My Wife is Dating her Tattoo Artist!

On the Magnum: Sister Exes
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“Ewww! Blood!” That’s what her boyfriend says whenever she even mentions her menstrual cycle. Should she try to educate him as to why this is immature and offensive to a lady with lady parts? Dan has a conversation with a man whose wife is unilaterally opening their relationship. Can their marriage withstand his wife getting … Read More »

Clean the Fridge, Worm!

On the Magnum: Dominatrix Inanna Justice
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A gay man’s best friend has such a devastating crush on him, that they can’t be friends anymore. The caller begged him to try to get over it. But crushes are crushing. Is there anything this (platonically) jilted caller can do? Here’s the scenario: A straight, divorced woman starting dating a *wonderful* man, and they … Read More »

Perving Gym Dudes.

On the Micro AND Magnum: Damona Hoffman
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Happy Feast of the Ass for all who celebrate! A gay man is fed up with the guys who try to use the gym as their personal hook-up site. When the leering moves into harassment, should he tell management? Or is this just to be expected in gay male spaces? A recently divorced straight man … Read More »

Homo Bro Code?

On the Magnum: Intersex activist Alicia Roth Weigel
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Is there a homo bro code? A man hooked up with his casual boyfriend’s roommate. Then the boyfriend moved away and they broke up peacefully. Now the caller is worried about resuming his hook-ups with the roommate for fear his ex’s friends will find out and revolt. Does this happen in gayland? A woman is … Read More »


On the Magnum: On the Magnum: Dick Slapping with Bryan Safi
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A man’s dad is deeply, absurdly closeted. He has been married to the caller’s mother for decades, but could never admit the truth. Now the caller’s mom has dementia and angrily brings it up to shame her husband in front of her sons. Should the caller tell his dad that he knows he’s gay? Should … Read More »