In the intro: You wanted to hear what Dan Savage thinks of the Armie Hammer scandal? Now he will tell you. A sugar baby had been seeing a married man for 2 years, when they fell in love. Now that there’s nothing transactional going on, is it less ethical? Finally! Dan Savage deconstructs drag. Are we allowed to enjoy it? (Spoiler: Yes, yes we are.) On the Magnum, all hail Jon Ronson! The author of The Psychopath Test, The Butterfly Effect and many other works in various media, is on to help Dan sling advice. They tackle subjects in Ronson’s wheelhouse- cancel culture, porn, and Trumpy acquaintances. And, a complicated polyamory quandary rears its head. A woman with a husband and a boyfriend has been invited to a wedding. Her boyfriend is also invited, but NOT her husband. And the boyfriend’s girlfriend is also NOT invited. THERE WILL BE FEELINGS. 206-302-2064 [email protected]
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