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Wanna-Be Cult Leaders.

On the Magnum: Leo Herrera on Analog Cruising
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Her husband of ten years is interested in learning about non-monogamy. He started attending workshops about “divine femininity” and “dark masculinity.” The workshop leader seems sketchy and cultish to the caller. How can she vet this potential grifter and help her husband develop a little reasonable skepticism? A woman and her husband have been in … Read More »

“My boyfriend’s son is stealing my underpants.”

On the Magnum: Dr. Evan Goldstein
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Yikes! Her boyfriend’s pre-teen son has been stealing her underwear. This very naughty lad lives with them half the time. How can she get this boundary violation out of her head? 12 long years ago, he cheated on his wife. They got through it with therapy and endless processing. While watching TV with their kids … Read More »

Sweaty Parties and Sex Dolls

On the Magnum: TV writer Stan Zimmerman
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When you throw a sweaty, sexy party, and most of the guests have left, except for your girlfriend and her ex, and this ex offers to suck your dick, saying his current girlfriend won’t mind a bit, should you take his word for it? A woman has met a new guy and likes him a … Read More »

What Should I Do Down There?

On the Magnum: PrEP talk with Benjamin Ryan
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A woman’s boyfriend wants her to play with his ass. But she doesn’t know where to begin. Fingers? Tongue? What should she do down there? A woman keeps getting harassed by men in cars jacking it and watching her creepily. What can she do in these unpleasant moments? On the Magnum Dan chats with journalist … Read More »

Wait. Pre-Natal Masturbation?

On the Magnum: Dr. Eric Sprankle author of DIY: The Wonderfully Weird History and Science of Masturbation.
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A gay man keeps sleeping with non-monogamous, married men, who are ultimately emotionally unavailable. But the sex is great! Why isn’t he attracted to single men, hmmmm? Parenting challenge ahoy! A couple with a blended family are getting along well, except for one thing. The mom’s 15 year-old daughter loses her mind when she hears … Read More »

Saline Infusion Enthusiasts Rejoice!

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You guys! We are in crisis! There are just not enough hot young women! DO. THE. MATH. A woman is dating a trans woman. Her girlfriend recently got bottom surgery, and wants to try being penetrated by an actual penis, as opposed to a toy. Should the caller allow for an open relationship to accommodate … Read More »

Help! My Wife is Dating her Tattoo Artist!

On the Magnum: Sister Exes
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“Ewww! Blood!” That’s what her boyfriend says whenever she even mentions her menstrual cycle. Should she try to educate him as to why this is immature and offensive to a lady with lady parts? Dan has a conversation with a man whose wife is unilaterally opening their relationship. Can their marriage withstand his wife getting … Read More »

Dad’s ne’er do well houseguest.

On the Magnum: Hope Woodard of "Boysober."
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A woman’s 60 year-old dad has taken in a much younger woman of dubious repute. She is a massage therapist, and has been cleaning her father’s house. Her father claims that taking her in is just the Christian thing to do. The caller worries her father is being taken advantage of- she and her brother … Read More »

“Enough with the poly!”

On the Magnum: The Daily Show's Dulcé Sloan
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“Enough with the poly! ” Or so says this gay man, who is sick of being disrespected by his boyfriend catting around, acting like a no-good cad and using polyamory as a shield. Meanwhile, can’t a homo in the rural West have nice, no-strings-attached hook-ups anymore? All the men he meets want to get married … Read More »

Clean the Fridge, Worm!

On the Magnum: Dominatrix Inanna Justice
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A gay man’s best friend has such a devastating crush on him, that they can’t be friends anymore. The caller begged him to try to get over it. But crushes are crushing. Is there anything this (platonically) jilted caller can do? Here’s the scenario: A straight, divorced woman starting dating a *wonderful* man, and they … Read More »