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Wanna-Be Cult Leaders.

On the Magnum: Leo Herrera on Analog Cruising
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Her husband of ten years is interested in learning about non-monogamy. He started attending workshops about “divine femininity” and “dark masculinity.” The workshop leader seems sketchy and cultish to the caller. How can she vet this potential grifter and help her husband develop a little reasonable skepticism? A woman and her husband have been in … Read More »

What Should I Do Down There?

On the Magnum: PrEP talk with Benjamin Ryan
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A woman’s boyfriend wants her to play with his ass. But she doesn’t know where to begin. Fingers? Tongue? What should she do down there? A woman keeps getting harassed by men in cars jacking it and watching her creepily. What can she do in these unpleasant moments? On the Magnum Dan chats with journalist … Read More »

With Ezra Klein.

On the Magnum: Ezra Klein on poly culture & families.
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We are still shocked that Ezra Klein (of the NYT and the Ezra Klein Show) agreed to come on our smutty little podcast. They talked about Ezra’s time as a monogamous straight man embedded in San Fransisco’s polyamorous culture. They compare the current NYC hipster version of the poly scene vs San Fransisco’s meld of … Read More »

With Ben Dreyfuss

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She used to masturbate as often as 20 times in day. But after getting on medication for depression, her libido crashed. She’s off the meds now, but still hasn’t regained her mojo. How can she recover her lost sex drive?  A woman went to a sex club with her husband for the first time. It … Read More »

With LGBTQ YA author Adam Sass.

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His last girlfriend was into spanking. They both enjoyed this very much. You know who didn’t enjoy it at all? His dog, who now whimpers whenever it’s master starts kissing someone. How can he train his sensitive pooch to be more kink-positive? A man is dear friends with a straight couple. But they are breaking … Read More »

Let’s learn about monkeypox!

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Look out, it’s a nibbler! A woman hates the way her new boyfriend kisses her. He nibbles on her lips even though she tells him to knock it off. Is this a worthy reason to dump him?  A married gay man and his husband are newly polyamorous. But the caller wants absolutely nothing to do … Read More »