In my 26 years, I’ve had my fair share of relationships. I’m usually the one spooning up advice to friends hungry for wisdom. Sadly, I’m helpless to aid myself in my current situation. I met this girl four months ago, and she’s “the girl of my dreams.” If you met her, you would know that angels exist on earth. The problem is that she’s married and has four kids. Her cheating husband is abusive to her (verbally, physically, etc.). He’s raped her twice (once using a “date-rape” drug), and he was tried for the rape of a girl in the first year of their marriage. His kids seesaw between loving and fearing him.
She has never reached out to anyone for help until me. If things were different, this would be my wife and kids. I know she feels the same for me as I do for her, but she is unwilling or unable to sever...