I’m a smoker and my partner is a nonsmoker. He says his face goes numb when I give him head. His theory is that the penis is permeable and is absorbing the nicotine in my saliva. It’s a good theory, but it’s only his face that goes numb—his cheeks and lips, not his whole head or his dick head. He really enjoys it so it’s not a problem. I’m just curious whether or not he’s right.
Not Underestimating My Blowjobs
I haven’t the faintest idea what’s happening to your boyfriend’s face, NUMB, but I’ve seen pictures of what’s happening to your lungs. My advice: Quit smoking—and if your boyfriend’s facial numbness during blowjobs subsides, well, then you were right about the nicotine. Don’t want to quit smoking? Then your boyfriend should find some other mouth to stuff his junk into.
I’m sorry if that answer...