Dear Readers: Your faith in my counsel and
willingness to take me into your confidence moves and humbles me. The
seriousness with which I approach this work would normally prevent me
from turning your letters over to a bunch of drunks in a bar. But when
Slog Happy, our monthy happy hour for readers of the Stranger‘s
blog, was held at a bar where I sometimes retire to write my
column—the Roanoke Tavern on 10th—I decided to print out a
few of your letters. Names, e-mail addresses, and identifying details
were removed, and your letters were passed from drunk to drunk, taped
to legal pads.
The American Heritage Dictionary
defines “advice” as “an opinion about what could or should be done,”
and opinions, as Saint Paul famously observed, are like assholes:
Everyone’s got one (Esophagans 14:20). Since comments on Slog never
want for opinions (or assholes), it seemed only...
...aint Paul famously observed, are like assholes:
Everyone’s got one (Esophagans 14:20). Since comments on Slog never
want for opinions (or assholes), it seemed only natural to give the
commenters a crack at this advice bidness.
My wife and I have been
married for eight months, and I love her very much. However, we don’t
have sex much, maybe three times a month. We’ve seen a therapist a few
times, and it hasn’t changed anything. I still love her, but my needs
haven’t been met and I’m frustrated. Due to my frustration, I posted an
ad on Craigslist—not to cheat but to just get some erotic
interaction via the web. I only sent a few pictures back and forth.
However, my wife found the e-mails. I apologized and said I never
wanted to be with anyone but her, but that I just wanted to feel like I
was desired. My wife has asked me to move out for a while, which I
Are we effed? I know what I did was
horrible, but I want to make this marriage work. I love her, and I
don’t want this to end it.
Confused In Salt Lake
• “Since you live in Salt Lake, I’m
going to assume that you didn’t have sex with your wife before
you got marriaged [hic], and so it turns out that you and your
wife are incompatible. Next time, try the milk before you buy the
• “A lot of men make the mistake of
initiating sex by just being like, ‘Hey, let’s fuck.’ Try this: Rub her
shoulders, offer to make her a bath, give her a foot massage. Then eat
her out, but don’t ask for anything. Do this for two weeks. Show her
that you want her to enjoy sex. If it doesn’t work, sorry, you’re
• “You have four separate problems that
are now, through the magic of synergy, combined into one big one: Your
wife’s not into sex, you live in Utah, your wife made you move out, and
you’re using Craigslist (what the fuck?). Time for some radical
honesty: Tell her exactly how you feel and what you want. Insist she do
the same. Don’t censor. This will either finish burning your marriage
to the ground or maybe—MAYBE—allow you to start dealing
with each other like adults.”
• “Hey, Mormon Dumbfuck: She asked you
to move out. It’s already over! HELLO?!?”
I have a submissive side. My
first dominant girlfriend would face-sit me for an hour; after she
climaxed, she would ride me until she climaxed multiple times, and only
then would she let me climax. Eventually we were doing cunnilingus
after intercourse, but when she suggested it might be fun to add “more
sauce” to the mix—bring another man into our play, and this other
man’s ejaculate—I dumped her. A similar thing happened in my next
relationship. Do all dominant women think all male submissives are
interested in bisexual behavior and being a cuckold?
There is a BDSM group in Washington, D.C.,
but the cohort for under-35s is tiny (I am under 30), and it’s nothing
but fat women. I don’t want to pay, I work out, I have a salary, and I
eat my lunch every day. I don’t need to be looked after. I am totally
self-reliant, but I nevertheless want to be completely dominated by a
woman. If the right woman came along now, I would marry her and make
her very happy.
Should I be more patient and let her find
me, or should I find ways to put out more openly that I am a
Where Are The Monogamous
• “Where are your social skills,
• “You sound like a dick. Only sex your
way or you dump them? WTF? Try meeting someone you like and slowly
introduce the dom/sub stuff. Right now you are SO demanding with your
fantasies but unwilling to fulfill someone else’s. That’s a dick
• “When I got to ‘I have a salary and I
eat my lunch,’ I stopped reading.”
• “There is nothing less attractive
than a ‘sub’ screaming, ‘Top me, Mistress—but not if you’re too
fat or too poly or too old or if you actually have fantasies of your
own or if you’re going to order me to do something I don’t want to do.’
That’s why you’re not getting any action, dummy.”
• “You suck. The end.”
My partner and I are in our
mid-20s and have been together since our teens. We have similar
interests and compatible lifestyles. We make an awesome pair.
Unfortunately, we are not sexually compatible. Over time we’ve grown
closer regarding most things, except for sex. I’ve come to realize that
I’m kinky and non-monogamous. My partner is decidedly not kinky, though
she has said that if I slept with others she would NEVER want to know.
That leaves a door slightly open.
I love her and am committed to the
relationship, but I need some kink to be happy, and my outing myself as
kinky has led to a steady deterioration in our vanilla sex life. Is it
fair to put her on notice that I’ll be kinking out as opportunities
arise and deal with the fallout as we go?
Seeking Orderly Solution
• “She said she would ‘never want to
know.’ That is NOT an open door. That’s a double-shielded blast door
with padlocks and a sign on it that says, ‘Don’t even think about it,
• “Putting her ‘on notice’ sounds kind
of ass-holish. Have the big, awful, stomach-clenching talk about your
future. It’s not fair to either of you for you to have to stay
monogamous and be unhappy. You need to figure this out.”
• “Let her know that you are going to
do it if the opportunity arises, but assure her that you’re just
looking to satisfy your kink. Be sure to respect her desire not to
know, but always be ready to divulge if she changes her mind. If you
want the relationship to work, you need to be ‘allowing.'”
• “You’ll be unhappy for a few years if
you leave her, but you’ll be unhappy for the REST OF YOUR LIFE if you
• “WTF? Get rid of the shit. I’m not
talking about ‘leaving’ her. She’s likely to have some of your secrets.
KILL HER. Everything you need is at a convenience store: shovel, lime,
rope, large garbage bags, sympathy card for the family.”
Thanks to the Slog commenters who wrote my
column for me this week. And for the record: Murder is wrong, and Slog
Happy takes place on the second Thursday of the month. Check Slog at for
[email protected]