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Gerbils? Again?

DEAR READERS: I’m off this week. To tide all of your hot and/or kinky and/or sore asses over, here’s a column I wrote 15 years ago. Some of you who were still in grade school, diapers, or amniotic sacs back in 1998 might have missed this, so I’m rerunning it now because I still get questions about “gerbiling” on a daily basis. —Dan

We were having a little office debate about “gerbiling.” How does it work? Do all gay men do this? Does Richard Gere? Does the animal get shoved up the anus with a toilet-paper roll only to suffocate seconds later? Is it the scratching or the act of killing an animal that gets people off? Why? Can’t this cause serious damage? What gives?

Curious Coworkers

Every day, my mail contains at least three questions about “gerbiling.” I have never addressed the gerbil issue, but now, this week and this week only, I...

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