
America’s longest-running sex-advice column!


Joe Newton

I’ve been wondering: Since there are lesbians out there who occasionally crave cock, does the reverse also happen? Are there gay men who occasionally crave pussy?

This Possible?

There are gay men who watch football—hell, I have it on good authority that some gay men play football, TP. So anything is possible. (Also, there are lots of lesbian-identified bisexual women out there, a smaller number of gay-identified bisexual men, and a tiny handful of bisexual-identified football fans.)

I’ve been seeing a lot of articles in the media about men “dropping out of the dating-and-marriage game,” and the conclusions always point to porn as the culprit. This seems like a simplistic explanation. Do you have an opinion on the effect of porn on men?

Pondering Porn

I dropped out of the forming-opinions-about-porn game—far too busy consuming porn these days, PP. It’s the only way to keep myself sane...

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... Pondering Porn I dropped out of the forming-opinions-about-porn game—far too busy consuming porn these days, PP. It’s the only way to keep myself sane here in Trumpsylvania. I’m a 26-year-old woman. I started dating a fantastic guy a month ago, blah blah blah, we’ve already talked about marriage. The problem is that his dick isn’t up to par size-wise or staying-hard-wise. He was aware of this before I came along, and it made him an enthusiastic and skilled oral performer to make up for it. So for now everything’s great, plenty of orgasms, and we’re lovey-dovey. But eventually I’ll need that filled-up feeling and I’ll have to ask for some dildo/extender/strap-on action. The question is when to ask. He’s a secure guy, and we’ve both been honest about our flaws. If I wait too long to ask, it might make him think I’ve been faking the whole time. And if I ask too soon, I could scare him off or make his performance anxiety worse! How do I know when the right time is? Half Full If you were talking about marriage after a month, HF, odds are good this relationship is doomed anyway. So go ahead and ask for dildo/extender/strap-on action now. Don’t say, “Circling back to your subpar dick, darling, I’m gonna need some compensatory dildo action soon.” Instead say, “I’m into penetration toys, and I’m looking forward to getting into them with you—getting them into me, getting them into you. Anything you want to put on the menu, darling?” Two friends can hook up with a girl or two girls from a bar and have a threesome or a foursome. But can two brothers—with opposite sexual preferences—hook up with a girl and a guy from a bar? Would this be considered wrong? No touching between siblings would occur. Basic Bros It would be considered wrong by some—but those people aren’t you, your brother, or the girl and guy you hope to pick up together. Personally, BB, I can barely get an erection if one of my siblings is in the same zip code; I can’t imagine getting one with a sibling in the same room. But if you’re comfortable doing opposite-sexual-preferencey things in close proximity to your brother, go for it. I am a bisexual man and recently divorced my wife of 30 years. I am currently seeing a very beautiful lady. I satisfy my bisexual desires by going to sex clubs and I always practice safe sex. I don’t have an issue, I just wanted to tell you I remember one time when you had a column about two guys performing fellatio on another man at the same time. I found it to be such a turn-on and even fantasized I was doing it to you. Hope that doesn’t offend you. Loving Life Um, thanks for sharing? I’m having an extremely difficult time getting intimate with my boyfriend of four years. I’m in recovery for an eating disorder, and part of my treatment is Prozac. It’s working great and helping me make healthier choices. However, the Prozac is severely affecting my sex drive. I have little to no desire to have sex. And when we do have sex, I rarely orgasm. This is frustrating and, frankly, harmful to my recovery process. I’m already dealing with my shitty eating disorder telling me that I’m fat, ugly, and not good enough for anyone, anything, or even a decent meal. Now it’s taking sex away from me, too? I also feel terrible for my boyfriend, who is endlessly patient and understanding but wants to have sex. I’ve suggested opening up the relationship for his sake, but he doesn’t want to do that. I feel guilty and sad and frustrated. Any thoughts? Prozac Lover/Healer If the benefits of Prozac (helping you make better choices and aiding your recovery process) are canceled out by the side effects (leaving you so sexually frustrated, it’s harming your recovery process), PLH, you should talk to your doctor about other options—other drugs you could try or a lower dose of Prozac. If you doctor dismisses your concerns about the sexual side effects of the drug they’ve got you on, get a new doctor. I have only one concern about Donald Trump getting impeached: Do we get Mike Pence? Is he not just as bad? Or worse? On a more personal note: I don’t think I’ve gotten a good night’s sleep since Trump got elected. I wake up every morning next to an avid, Fox News–watching Trump supporter. I’m married long-term (35 years!) to a man who pulled a political one-eighty. This is about to make me crazy. Really. I’m not kidding. Do you have any suggestions for me? I don’t want to DTMFA. Although after a most nauseating discussion over dinner, I did actually give it some thought. Liberal Grandma Mike Pence, as awful as he is, oscillates within a predictable band of Republican awfulness. The reason no one is getting any sleep these days—not even folks who don’t wake up next to Trump supporters—is because no one can predict what Trump will do next. Not even Trump. That’s what makes his presidency such an existential nightmare. As for your husband, LG, your choices are binary and rather stark: Either you divorce his ass and spare yourself the grief of listening to his bullshit, or you stay put, learn to tune out his bullshit, and cancel out his vote in 2018 and 2020. What’s the best dating site for a slightly cynical, tattooed, fortysomething woman looking for a guy? Tattooed Lady It depends on the kind of guy you want. Closet case? ChristianMingle. Fuck boy? Tinder. Trump voter? Farmers Only. Compulsive masturbator? Craigslist. Unfuckable loser who is now and will always be a socially maladapted virgin? Return of Kings. On the Lovecast, Dr. Samantha Joel on the psychology of ending relationships: savagelovecast.com. mail@savagelove.net @fakedansavage ITMFA.org