My teenage daughter just came out to us as gay. We told her we love her and support her. As a heterosexual, cisgender mother, how do I make sure she gets good advice about sex? I don’t want her learning from other kids or porn. Do you know of any good, sex-positive advice books for lesbian teens?
My Inspiring Daughter Deserves Lesbian Education
“I wish every parent felt this way about their child’s sexual development, regardless of the child’s gender identity or sexual orientation,” said Peggy Orenstein, author of Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape. “All young people—girls especially—need open, honest discussions about sexual ethics, including talking about pleasure, respect, decision-making, and reciprocity, or we are leaving them at the mercy of the messages they get from both the mainstream and ‘adult’ entertainment industries.”
Orenstein’s book—required reading for parents of girls and boys—drives...