I dropped by four large universities last week—University of Lethbridge, State University of New York–Albany, University of Maryland, and University of Alaska-Anchorage—to do “Savage Love Live,” the college-speaking-gig version of my sex-advice column. I enjoyed visiting all four campuses and, as ever, learned a few things out on the road. (Brinking? Who knew?)
People submit questions—the ones they don’t want to be seen asking—on three-by-five-inch cards at the events. Sadly, I couldn’t get to everyone’s questions at the U’s of L, NY-A, M, and A-A. Here are answers to some of the questions I missed.
At what point in a relationship is it “safe” to have an open relationship?
There’s no standard gestation period for an open relationship, no set period of time that you have to spend in the exclusivity pod. In my experience, however, the most successful open relationships I’ve witnessed—with “success” here defined as...