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“Who’s That?”

On the Magnum: Sadie Dingfelder on Face Blindness
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A man’s new boyfriend had an adult circumcision, and now can’t come very easily. He wants to help his boyfriend come, but doesn’t want to pressure him. How can he thread the needle and start gobbling? A straight man is in a brat/dom dynamic, where his girlfriend “misbehaves” and then gets “punished” by the caller. … Read More »

Gay Language with Leo Herrera

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A theme emerges! Sadly, the theme is seeing your dad’s dick. Would you be able to pick out your dad’s dick in a dick line-up? No, you would not.  A woman’s brother is about to do time for pedophilia. Compounding the tragedies here, the caller has lost all sense of her own sexuality due to … Read More »

Problematic Fantasies, with Dr. Justin Lehmiller.

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Sometimes the “happy ending” in an erotic massage can go both ways. Our caller enjoyed orally pleasuring his masseuse so much that he wants to continue the relationship outside the parlor. What is the proper etiquette in asking out an erotic massage practitioner? (Sorry LMTs! We know you don’t want to hear ANY of this…) … Read More »

Serial Cow Pie Copulators

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“Dear Miss Manners, Am I obliged to respond to the gentlemen I encounter on ‘Grindr,’ even if I am not in the least bit interested?” Dan counsels yet another woman who lays herself down as a human doormat. DTMFA! If your man hasn’t yet told his friends that he’s dating you, it’s time to move … Read More »

After the shot: dating post-vaccination.

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Have you ever been blocked? This man was! When he and his boyfriend of 6 months had their first big fight, they broke up, and the boyfriend slammed the door shut. Now the caller wants closure. Dan Savage is here to hold his hand through it. A man is attempting to grow some foreskin through…techniques. … Read More »

What do we do now that Tumblr is dead?

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Here’s a conundrum: A black, gay man is married to his white husband. They want to drive into threesomes, but the black man is only attracted to white men and the white man is only attracted to black men. So you see. This is a real pickle. Meanwhile, a straight man has fantasies where he … Read More »

Johann Hari on the depression epidemic.

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A man lives in a duplex below a couple women. One day, he heard them having sex, and it inspired him to have a wank. Now he feels guilty. Is he an Eavesdropping Tom? A woman hooked up with a younger man. He asked her if his penis looked like it was circumcised. He wasn’t … Read More »

Is there a urologist in the house?

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A sugar baby has fallen in love with her sugar daddy. He loves her too! Except, he kind of doesn’t want her to meet his actual daughter. Does she have the right to demand it? A coach at a college has been asked to drive one of her students to get an abortion. Because of … Read More »

This show begins and ends with circumcision.

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This show begins and ends with circumcision. A woman is dating her first uncut man and wonders if Dan has any… tips. Then, at the end of the Magnum, an uncut man who is into “pig play” (that’s dick-stank- you’re welcome,) wonders if he should get himself an adult circumcision. So there’s that to ponder. … Read More »

Burlesque vs. Stripping

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A straight man has been the recipient of some rather shoddy pegging. Dan sets him on a better course. A woman’s older boyfriend insists her gay friends are out to sleep with her. Dan senses dark machinations at work. Are you, a straight woman, obliged to inform your hook-up that his dick stinks to high … Read More »