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Wanna-Be Cult Leaders.

On the Magnum: Leo Herrera on Analog Cruising
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Her husband of ten years is interested in learning about non-monogamy. He started attending workshops about “divine femininity” and “dark masculinity.” The workshop leader seems sketchy and cultish to the caller. How can she vet this potential grifter and help her husband develop a little reasonable skepticism? A woman and her husband have been in … Read More »

Can You Be Poly Without “Catching Feelings?”

On the Magnum: Humor writer Alexandra Petri
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A woman moved into a new house and promptly slept with her roommate. It was great sex and the caller wants a repeat. He claims he wants more as well, but then never actually takes her up on it. One night she asked if he wanted to…you know…do it, and he chose to play video … Read More »

What Should I Do Down There?

On the Magnum: PrEP talk with Benjamin Ryan
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A woman’s boyfriend wants her to play with his ass. But she doesn’t know where to begin. Fingers? Tongue? What should she do down there? A woman keeps getting harassed by men in cars jacking it and watching her creepily. What can she do in these unpleasant moments? On the Magnum Dan chats with journalist … Read More »

Wait. Pre-Natal Masturbation?

On the Magnum: Dr. Eric Sprankle author of DIY: The Wonderfully Weird History and Science of Masturbation.
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A gay man keeps sleeping with non-monogamous, married men, who are ultimately emotionally unavailable. But the sex is great! Why isn’t he attracted to single men, hmmmm? Parenting challenge ahoy! A couple with a blended family are getting along well, except for one thing. The mom’s 15 year-old daughter loses her mind when she hears … Read More »

Saline Infusion Enthusiasts Rejoice!

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You guys! We are in crisis! There are just not enough hot young women! DO. THE. MATH. A woman is dating a trans woman. Her girlfriend recently got bottom surgery, and wants to try being penetrated by an actual penis, as opposed to a toy. Should the caller allow for an open relationship to accommodate … Read More »

With Ezra Klein.

On the Magnum: Ezra Klein on poly culture & families.
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We are still shocked that Ezra Klein (of the NYT and the Ezra Klein Show) agreed to come on our smutty little podcast. They talked about Ezra’s time as a monogamous straight man embedded in San Fransisco’s polyamorous culture. They compare the current NYC hipster version of the poly scene vs San Fransisco’s meld of … Read More »

Hate-Fuck Your Bully.

On the Magnum: Dr. Debby Herbenick helps you talk to your kid about sex.
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When telling a hook-up that you don’t want to continue seeing them, how much detail should you give? A woman enjoyed the sex with her quickie guy, but he was too insecure and needy for her tastes. Should she tell him this in the exit interview? A lesbian was terribly bullied in school by three … Read More »

Homo Bro Code?

On the Magnum: Intersex activist Alicia Roth Weigel
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Is there a homo bro code? A man hooked up with his casual boyfriend’s roommate. Then the boyfriend moved away and they broke up peacefully. Now the caller is worried about resuming his hook-ups with the roommate for fear his ex’s friends will find out and revolt. Does this happen in gayland? A woman is … Read More »


On the Magnum: On the Magnum: Dick Slapping with Bryan Safi
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A man’s dad is deeply, absurdly closeted. He has been married to the caller’s mother for decades, but could never admit the truth. Now the caller’s mom has dementia and angrily brings it up to shame her husband in front of her sons. Should the caller tell his dad that he knows he’s gay? Should … Read More »

What’s All This About Doxy-PEP?

On the Magnum: Dr. Oliver Bacon
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A man has discovered his love for wearing feminine clothing. His friends and fiancé are all supportive. But his brother- not so much. Should the caller just expect to move through the world offending people with his unconventional dress?  A gay transman has started having kinky hookups. Although he doesn’t want the intimacy associated with … Read More »