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Well, well, well. Dan Savage gets all squirmy and horrified about incest.
You came down pretty hard on PLEASE HELP! for having sex with his sister. But
can you tell me why incest is any more horrifying than male homosexuality? At
least incestuous intercourse follows the natural function of the sexual organs!

You may reply that incest causes genetic problems. However, statistically,
the danger of that is far less than AIDS from gay intercourse. In the gays I
have known, I have often sensed a deep personal dishonesty, and part of that
may be the refusal to acknowledge that homosexuality is in fact abnormal.

-You’re The Freak

Whenever the subject of incest comes up–incest being one of the very few things I strongly disapprove of–I get a lot of irate mail from incest fans. Curiously, all the incest fan mail I receive is from straight...

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