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Swimming in Pussy

When I was in my teens to mid-20s, I
fought a burgeoning weight problem. My heaviest was 235 pounds on a
5-foot-10 frame. Now I watch what I eat and I work out. I have a
six-pack. And here’s my problem: I get too much attention from women.
When I was out of shape, women paid attention, but not as much. Now, if
I wanted to, I could get all the pussy I wanted. Single pussy, married
pussy, all-different-color pussy.

Is it normal for a guy to turn down so much
of the pussy that gets pitched at him? I am a tall Asian guy, six foot
one, 165 pounds, cut and lean, 32 but look 28. But I like to go after
the hard-to-get pussy. The easy pussy that gets thrown at me, I’m not
interested in. What’s wrong with me?

Lost In
Pussy Land

Besides not enclosing a few dozen pictures

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