I’m male, primarily hetero, and my wife and I are in our early 40s. We’ve been married for six years, have two great kids, a nice house, and life is good,
except… for a couple of decades I’ve wanted to have a threesome with two women. (In college I did several guy-guy-girl three-ways, and it was fun.) My wife has
never been interested in my fantasy, but before we married she agreed that she’d
explore it with me. In turn, I agreed to have kids, a notion I was leery of at
the time.
I’m sure you can see this coming: After we got married and had a child, my wife changed her mind about the threesome. Sometimes she denies she ever agreed
to it, other times she says she was “pressured” into it (I didn’t “pressure” her any more than she “pressured” me to have kids!), or that she didn’t...