The Santorum
I find applying stinging nettles to my body highly pleasurable. I’ve tried the web for more information but either get herbalist pages or, when searching the words “nettles” and “fetish” together, get directed to SM-type pages. I don’t really go for that. Can you direct me somewhere where I can get advice? Are there any long-term dangers in exposing my “delicate areas” to the little green temptresses?
Seriously Twisted Into Nettle Games
First, the reason you find the “stinging nettles” kink primarily on SM websites, STING, is because stinging nettles hurt like motherfuckers.
Second, Tracy Mehlin at the Center for Urban Horticulture at the University of Washington was kind enough not to slam the phone down when I read her your question, perhaps because she once knew a guy on a farm who occasionally lashed himself with stinging nettles. “I didn’t ask him to go into the details about...