
America’s longest-running sex-advice column!


Dear Readers: I’m on vacation. I’m actually sitting on the beach as I write these words, knocking back margaritas and watching my boyfriend’s tan lines come in. But you know what? I’m still thinking about you and your problems. I’m always thinking about you and your problems–and isn’t that just like me? While I may get two weeks off during the summer, I know your problems don’t take two weeks off. So despite being on vacation, despite my impaired state, and despite my boyfriend’s tan lines, I’m still here to help.

But I was mindful of the fact that I would be writing this column in an impaired state–it’s only 11:00 a.m. and I’m on margarita, let me see… margarita #5?–so a few weeks ago I began banking DTMFA letters. Not only are DTMFAs the most common letters advice columnists receive (we have to be careful not to...

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