I’m writing in celebration of
the California decision to allow gays to marry. I’m thrilled—I’ve
always thought that the idea that gay marriage could hurt straight
people was ridiculous. But a year ago, I found out I was wrong.
I’m a straight woman in her late 20s dating
“the one,” by which I mean the man who I’d be happy to wind up married
to. We’ve been dating about two years, very happily, but one year into
the relationship he informed me—he didn’t ask≠—that he
was going to be the sperm donor for a lesbian couple that wanted to
start a family. I had an immediate, visceral, physical reaction to the
idea of another woman bearing his child. That’s an experience I hope to
have with him!
What shocked me was the range of reactions
among my friends. My gay friends and my boyfriend insisted that it was
“none of my business”!...