There wasn’t supposed to be a Struggle Session today because I was supposed be at a secret location filming the intro for the HUMP! 2025 International Tour. (Tickets on sale now!) But the filmmaker got COVID, which freed up my Thursday, and here we are. So, let’s struggle!
Dry January? At this political moment? Xavier isn’t having it:
With regard to Tawny Lara and Dan’s sanctimonious, preachy, AA sermon/discussion: You can take that Dry January bullshit and shove it right up your asses! But obviously use PLENTY of lube and leave some space for the coming “Sober October ’25” nonsense while you’re at it! Happy New Year! And yes: I plan on being drunk on January 20th. Like any sensible liberal! Cheers!
You’re free to get just as drunk as you want to or need to on January 20th, Xavier, and with my full support… so long as alcohol is a blessing in your life and not a curse.
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