
America’s longest-running sex-advice column!

“Savage Love” is America’s longest running sex advice column. A new column is posted every Tuesday. Become a Magnum Sub for access to the full column and the Struggle Session posted every Thursday!

Lies That Bind

What do you think of a man who lied to a woman to manipulate her into staying in a relationship knowing that if he told her the truth she would leave? My boyfriend agreed to exclusivity and monogamy. He immediately began to violate this agreement. He lied repeatedly to me about who these other people … Read More »

STRUGGLE SESSION: Welcome Back to Summer Advice-Palooza!

We’re doing something a different with Struggle Session for the rest of the summer: Instead of me responding at length to reader/listener comments, I’m tossing up one or two short things — quick comments, quick responses — and then sharing a letter that came in this week that’s too long for the column. (Savage Love … Read More »


1. Why do so many people — even kinky ones — regard the Daddy/babygirl dynamic as hot but think Mommy/little boy role play is disturbing? Because people can’t stand to see middle-aged women happy and in control. 2. Am I on the asexuality spectrum or do I just have a very low sex drive 95% of … Read More »

Struggle Session: Summer Advice-Palooza Experiment Continues

Like I said last week, we’re doing something different with Struggle Session for the rest of the summer. Instead of me responding at length to reader/listener comments, I’m gonna toss up one or two short things — quick comments — and then share an interesting letter that’s way too long for the column. (Savage Love … Read More »

Top Five

Dear Readers: Instead of digging through all the emails that hit my inbox this week, I grabbed the first five questions at the top of the pile and answered them in the order they came in. — Dan I am a man. I met a beautiful Nepalese woman at work. The co-worker who introduced us … Read More »

STRUGGLE SESSION: Trying Something Different

Dear Readers: Like I said on the Lovecast this week, I’m taking a break from Struggle Session for the rest of August. My summer has been a little crazed — in mostly good ways — and I still haven’t managed to figure out how to keep Struggle Session to a manageable length. Anyway, on the … Read More »

Game On

Straight, monogamous, cisgender couple here. Six years together, two years married. My husband loves board games, problem-solving, and anything that gets his brain going. But like many straight white cis dudes, he’s not particularly aware of what motivates him. He’s also not straightforward with exactly what turns him on. But one thing he likes is … Read More »

What Eats You

I’m a queer cis woman in my late 30s with a problem: I don’t like having my pussy eaten. This isn’t about me being uncomfortable with the way my pussy looks or smells or tastes. I just don’t like the sensation. At best, I get close but eventually plateau, which is frustrating. At worst, it … Read More »

Big Ask

I’m a 26-year-old cisgender woman who works from home. I’m going on the second business trip of my career later this month. The first time, I had a hotel room to myself. This time, I’ll be sharing a room with one other person. Thing is, I snore. Not an insane amount, but I’m definitely a … Read More »