At the end of last week’s column, you asked what we should call it when a woman fucks a man in the ass with a strap-on dildo. We should call it “a woman fucking a man in the ass with a strap-on dildo.” Does every sexual practice need a cute term? I’m sick of not being able to say everyday, previously run-of-the-mill phrases like “tossed salad” because now everyone thinks I want my ass eaten out instead of a plate of fresh vegetables.
Sick of Names in Chicago
Sorry, SONIC, but people are clamoring for a single, sexy word to describe this particular act. Read on…
What should we call it when a woman fucks a man in the ass with a strap-on dildo? It ought to be called a “Latently Gay Man Desperately Trying to Hold on to His Heterosexuality.” It doesn’t roll off the tongue, but at least it’s honest.