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On the Magnum: Mollena Williams.
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Happy birthday America, damn you’re kinky! This week’s show features a ton of calls by the kinky, those who love them, or those who are considering becoming them. Let’s dive in.  A woman and her bestie are no longer speaking to each other. Why? Because she refuses to help change out the caller’s labia piercing … Read More »

The baby findom and the pay pig. (Magnum guest: Meredith Goldstein of Love Letters.)

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A small time influencer has just been propositioned by an aspiring “pay pig” asking her to be his findom. He backed up this offer with $5 for coffee. Enticing! Should she do it? And if so, what are the rules in keeping the relationship lucrative and ethical?  The other day? This guy was wanking? And … Read More »

With Intimacy Coordinator Jessica Steinrock

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A couple with adult children wants to start using apps together. The kids know their mom is bi, but they don’t know about the open relationship. What happens if their kid sees them on one of the apps?  Some people need sexy costumes for their scene. Some people need toys or bondage gear. This lady … Read More »

Butt talk ahoy! With Dr. Evan Goldstein.

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A woman masturbates in her sleep. Although she’s currently single, she worries about times when she has to share a room with family or friends. Should she warn them?  A woman’s sister plans to gallivant off to Texas to meet an online lover for the first time, on his rural cattle ranch, for some no-strings-attached … Read More »

We Aren’t Having Enough Sex. With Magdalene Taylor.

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Ok, let’s say you don’t drink alcohol. But you do drink piss, right? If your lover drank a bunch of beer and then you drank his piss, did you just drink alcohol?  A woman had an affair with a man she had been very close friends with. His wife found out, and it all blew … Read More »

A very poly Valentine’s Day with Diana Adams

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A woman has been with her boyfriend for 4 years. He is so wonderful! But…he doesn’t bother to give her orgasms. He has all the orgasms! As many as he wants. Orgasm, orgasm, orgasm. He won’t do anything to get her there. Has she talked to him about this? Yes! She has! He doesn’t care. … Read More »

Tackling grief with humor: Jason Roeder of “Griefstrike.”

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Happy New Year dear listeners!  Things are starting off great! A listener discovered an old journal left behind from her newly ex-boyfriend. It contained erotic fantasies about a previous girlfriend’s…daughters. So, the conundrum: Should the caller tell his ex about his written fantasies? Should she burn it and forget the whole thing? Or calmly hand … Read More »

Emily Post’s Awesome Great, Great Grand-Children.

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A trans man has heard that desperate straight men have been scouring Grindr looking for trans men because they will accept any vagina at all. Is it true? How can he weed out these unscrupulous, horny cads? As a woman from Texas was researching how to obtain a medical abortion, a scammy, stealth anti-abortion “pregnancy … Read More »

So many wee beasties! With STI expert, Dr. Ina Park.

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A 32 year-old man had a cold sore once when he was 15. Does he now have to disclose this every time he goes in for a kiss?  As a man’s 20 year marriage was ending, he had an affair with an old friend. They were together for 2 1/2 years after the marriage ended. … Read More »

“Heart of the Dominatrix” with Inanna Justice

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Her new boyfriend has been caught in an extortionist’s web. He wanked to a woman’s video online and she sent him and the caller video, threatening to send it far and wide if he didn’t pay her. Now the caller is wondering if this is just how the ride is gonna be with this guy.  … Read More »